Session 2

Click here to access session 2 presentation

Making the time to plan your project will save an enormous amount of time during production. Good planning also saves money and places a silver lining around your reputation as a professional. Academics are familiar with the importance of thorough planning for funding, and effective planning for video productions follows suit. Good planning also allows the academic video producer to allocate tasks to students to help with the process. Researching media assets to like stills, B roll video, music and graphics takes time. Adding ADA compliant captions also takes time and often will be outsourced for a small fee.

Different video technology solutions will be available for hands-on practice. Faculty will have the opportunity to experiment with annotated screen casts, laptop camera lectures, and video editing software.

– Developing the story – Message Box / Reverse Pyramid
– Dual column scripts
– Using cutaways, B roll (public domain) open courses/content, LMS courses/content
– Using graphics
– Audio
– ADA compliance (allocating time and $ for captioning)
– Delivery options (mymedia / YouTube / Vimeo – LMS, or open content)


Part two of the video series looks at the planning and pre production elements.

Click here to access the YouTube playlist – Producing for the green Screen.


– Develop scope statement
– Develop message box
– Develop script
– Develop storyboard & shot list


What to Wear on Camera
Message box
Tips for Creating Screencasts
Screencasts to be Proud of

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