Session 1

Session 1 – Introduction

Click here to access session 1 presentation

Crafting video for academia can be amazingly effective, helping to increase student engagement, funding opportunities, and the depth of a broader impact focus. This course will teach faculty to produce compelling stories about their research and teaching using video and digital media.

Participants will design video statements using pre production concepts, creating scripts, storyboards, shot lists and other assets. Emphasis will focus on developing concise video statements using storytelling concepts tailored for academics. Participants will identify perceived challenges and will propose how their teaching and research provides solutions.

Students will learn the technical components to record quality video and audio. Post production editing will include building and layer media assets using Adobe Premiere Pro. Use of Public Domain assets and ADA compliance will also be developed.

At the end of the course, participants will:
– Understand how to communicate research/teaching, using digital media techniques
– Create a compelling academic story that moves a specific audience
– Utilize the 3 phases of video production (pre pro, pro, post) to make a short film
– Develop pre production assets (scope statement, script, storyboard, shot list)
– Visualize and communicate concepts to team members
– Produce a short (6 minutes or less) video using A/B editing


The video below has been designed for student production specialists who work behind the camera with CTE. However, the video series does include information for talent who will be performing in front of the camera. The content is applicable to anyone who will be involved in the video production process.

Click here to access the YouTube playlist – Producing for the green Screen.

Session 1 – Agenda
– Faculty introduce themselves, they explain how they will or have used video in teaching
– Video options and techniques for academics
– Overview of the production phases (pre production, production, post production)
– Workflow logistics (Dropbox, LMS, CreateOU, Doodle polls)
– Show and critique examples of course introduction videos
– Outline pre production components (budget, scripts, style of production)
– Introduce message box and reverse pyramid for writing concise teaching or research statements, creating a compelling story

Session 1 – Concepts
Effective storytelling concepts include:
– Correctly identifying your audience
– The establishment of a beginning, middle and end
– Effective use of a “hook”
– Offer a conflict, a resolution and benefits
– Deliver an answer to the “So What?” question


– Develop scope statement
– Develop message box
– Develop script
– Develop storyboard & shot list


What to Wear on Camera
Message box
Video Student Engagement (MIT News)
Effective Educational Videos (Vanderbilt)

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